Our Aim

 Our aim as ever, is to keep ‘Creating Smiles and Making Memories Everyday for children fighting cancer.

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At the tender age of just 10 months old, our Daughter, Madison, was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer known as Neuroblastoma.

Throughout her short and inspirational life we watched her courageously fight this disease and try to live her life as any other child. However, despite extensive treatment here in the UK and also travelling to Germany several times for treatment, Madison sadly lost her brave battle and left us on Boxing Day 2011, aged only 7.

Knowing first-hand how this terrible disease can affect not only the child, but also extended family members, and in honour of our precious daughter’s bold fight, we decided to set up a charity to help raise awareness and money to assist families with children who have also been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma and other rare forms of cancer.

After much deliberation as to what we should name the Charity, we finally decided on “Maddi’s Butterflies”, this came after Maddi passed away and we were looking through her belongings and we found many drawings of butterflies that she had drawn and coloured in, something we had never noticed before….a perfect name for a perfect little girls legacy.

We work closely with Young Lives V’s Cancer, McMillan and the parents and to ensure that we provide the best perfect gifts for the child in need.
We want to give children and their families living with cancer the chance to create happy memories together.

Quite simply, our main focus is to try and put a smile back on the faces of children who are suffering pain and discomfort and may feel like they have little to smile about. We also wish to alleviate some of the financial burden on the families of these children by providing them with these gifts and treats.

When cancer strikes a young child invariably a parent will have to leave work to help provide the levels of care needed. Sadly this often leads to increased pressure on family budgets, so we want to make sure that we can help to bring joy in an otherwise cruel world by providing Smile Bags.

Maddi’s Story

Madison Jane Allan was born on 23rd September 2004 at a healthy 7lb 2oz and was absolutely beautiful. The family life which we had craved had just begun…

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